Advertising: Your not allowed to share links on chobots unless its for a chobots blog. If you are saying a chobots blog URL do not say it more than twice. If you say it more than 2 times it will be called spamming

Bad Language: Bad language is not allowed on chobots. If your caught saying bad words you may get a chat ban for 5-15 mins or be kicked out. Using bad words could lead to a ban, so don't do it. Please be respectful to everyone playing chobots and please use kind words when your talking to other chos.

No Dating: Chobots is not a dating site, so please do not date on chobots.

Scamming: Scamming is not allowed. An example of scamming is, " If you give me a smiley shirt, I will give you my shoes" even though the player has no intentions of giving away a pair of shoes. The other player says yes and gives away their smiley shirt but never gets the shoes is called scamming. Also scamming can lead to a ban so don't do it.

Asking To Be An Agent/Moderator: Please DO NOT  ask to become an agent or a mod because all it does is lowers your chance of becoming one. If you want to know how to become an agent press the "How to become an agent" page on my blog :) If you follow those tips the mods will notice.

I hope this info has helped you  


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